David Cardon's Top of Utah Marathon Photos

September 22, 2001

(Click on the thumbnail to see a larger image.)

Mile 16: 
Steven: "How are you doing?"
David: "Really good!"

Mile 18:
Peter: "How's it going, Dave?"
David: "Great!"

Mile 20:
Natalie: "Good job Dave"

Mile 24:
Steven: "How's it going, Dave?"
David: "Uh....pretty good..."
Mile 26.2
It looks like someone up ahead didn't drink enough Gatorade.
Mile 26.2
Victory, in 4 hours 22 minutes!!!

  Wow! It's hard to balance with these wobbly legs. Hey, that wasn't so bad.

Finishers got a nice medal of a moose with running shoes hanging of its antlers. Here is the moose medallion. Left to right: Steven, David, Joseph, Benjamin (behind the apple juice),  Diane, Donna, Peter, Natalie (holding the camera)

The marathon was 11 days after the September 11 attack.  This man carried the American flag the whole 26.2 miles. His two young daughters also ran with him. Here they are finishing together. Here is another man who carried the American flag the whole distance.  Lots of runner carried small flags.