Voting systems in Utah

Across Utah elections are being held using a voting system called instant runoff voting (IRV), ranked-choice voting, alternative vote, or preferential voting.

This system is a fairly standard, reasonable method for selecting one winner from a field of many candidates. It is, in my opinion, much better than the plurality system that is most commonly used in elections in the United States. But when electing more than one member at once, there are different variants of the ranked-choice system, and the choice of which one you use has significant consequences.

Ranked-Choice Variants for Multimember Elections

Proportional Ranked-Choice Voting

The standard, traditional method of using ranked-choice voting for multimember elections is called proportional ranked-choice voting. In an election with k seats proportional ranked-choice awards a seat to each candidate that receives a fraction of the vote more than 1⁄k. So in an election for only one seat, anyone who wins more than ½ of the vote wins. In an election of two seats, anyone who wins more than ⅓ of the vote wins a seat, and so on. If not enough candidates win 1⁄k of the vote, then the ranked ballots are used to eliminate unpopular candidates and redistribute votes until all the seats are filled with 1⁄k of the vote. The details of how this works are explained nicely at the FairVote website.

Preferential Block Voting

As I understand it, the current method being used in some Utah multimember elections is what is sometimes called preferential block voting. This method requires a candidate to win at least ½ of the vote to get a seat. If no candidate passes ½ of the vote initiall, then candidates who have the fewest first-choice votes are eliminated and the second-choice on those ballots is counted as a first choice. This process is repeated until a candidate exceeds ½ of the votes, and that candidate is elected. Then the winner's name is struck from the ballots, and the previous losers are restored to their ballots, and the process is repeated.

This method is much simpler to understand than the traditional method, but it gives very different outcomes. Specifically, the Utah system is equivalent to holding a single-member election for the first seat, and then holding a separate single-member election for the second seat, and so on. This effectively guarantees that the majority will choose the winner for every seat. If a multimember district is filling nine seats, all nine will go to the majority party, even if that majority consists of only 51% of the voters.

Under the proportional ranked-choice system, minorities are represented approximately proportionately. So a minority consisting of 34% of the electorate could win one seat in a two-member election, and a minority consisting of 11% of the electorate could win one seat in a nine-member election.

Lazy Methods

Finally, there are two alternative methods that I and some of my mathematical colleagues noticed being used in some recent GOP caucases. I believe these methods are used by people intending to use preferential block voting but hoping to save time by skipping some steps. I call these two methods lazy methods.

Lazy Preferential:

Starting from the beginning, just eliminate those with the fewest first-place votes until you have k winners. This is a little like proportional ranked-choice, but does not move suplus votes for winners to other candidates. This makes it more likely to elect not just minority candidates, but very unpopular candidates, as indicated in the examples below.

Lazy Block:

After finishing the runoff for the first seat, eliminate that winner and keep on eliminating without returning those previously eliminated. This feels a lot like the preferential block method, but it has very different outcomes, since those initially eliminated are often the second choice of many voters. That means that lazy block, like lazy preferential, is fairly likely to elect very unpopular candidates. Examples of this are given below.

The Method Matters

It is important to note that all voting methods have the potential to produce some paradoxical or counter-intuitive results, but methods like the lazy block are much more likely to produce unfair or paradoxical results than either the traditional ranked choice or the Utah/preferential block method. I assume that the lazy block method is only being used in the local precinct caucuses, but since the counting under any ranked-choice method is trickier than in a traditional plurality, we really need some checks in place (say an auditor) to ensure that that each multimember election is indeed tallied according to the accepted rules, and not according to a random computer programmer's interpretation of those rules.

It is also important to be aware of the potential problems in our local caucuses. I have found my precinct to be very open to accepting my suggestions about voting rules. I encourage you to talk to your precinct about making sure that they are not using lazy block ranked choice.

More Details and Examples

Here are a few more details and an example of the different ranked-choice methods

Single-Winner Ranked Choice

The ranked-choice method for a single winner is as follows:
  1. Voters write the candidates in order of preference.
  2. If any candidate is the first choice for more than 50% of voters, they win.
  3. Otherwise, the candidate who has the fewest first-preference votes is eliminated and the ballots that had him/her first are redistributed to their next preference.
  4. If any remaining candidate has more than 50% of the vote, they now win, otherwise, repeat steps 3-4.


Assume that there are 5 candidates A-E and 10 voters. The voters list their preferences in order, and the results have one ballot ordered ABCDE, two ballots ordered BACDE, and so forth, as listed in the following table.
# of votesPreference order
No one has a majority, so candidate A is eliminated, and A's ballots are redistributed to B, who now has 3. Still no one has a majority so one of candidates C and D are eliminated (by coin flip, since they are tied for last)--say C--and C's votes can't go to A, who is out, so they go to B, who wins.

Multiple-Winner Races

Consider the the previous example, but with a two-winner contest under each of the different methods:

Preferential Block (Utah)

Under the preferential block method, the first runoff gives B as one winner, exactly as before. For the second runoff, return all the candidates to the pool who were previously eliminated.

Since B has already won the first seat, then B is eliminated, so ballots that had B first now go to A. This gives 3 votes to A, 2 to C and D, and 3 to E. Eliminate C or D (by coin flip, since they are tied for last)--say C. So C's votes go to A, who now has 5--still not a majority. D has fewest, so is eliminated, and D's votes go to A, who wins.

So the winners in this method are A and B. The choice of A seems reasonable, since A is almost everyone's second choice. Many would argue that B is also not a completely unreasonable choice here.

Proportional Ranked Choice

The threshold for winning a seat is ⅓, which means four votes. But no candidate has that to start, so A, who has the fewest first-choice votes is eliminated, and that one ballot goes to B. Still no candidate has four votes, and both C and D have only 2 votes, so one of them is eliminated by coin flip, let's say C, and the two ballots that were CABDE now count as BDE, so that puts B at 5 votes, over the threshold to win, so B gets one seat and is elminiated from further consideration. Here's where the propotional part comes in: B only needed 10⁄3 votes to win but had 5 votes. So B although eliminated, the ballots that currently have B as first choice are passed on to the next choice, but only counting as 5–10⁄3 = 5⁄3 total votes. That is, the part of each ballot that didn't get used to elect B is passed on to the next choice. Since there were 5 ballots preferring B, each ballot is passed on as only ⅓ of a vote. In this case, since A and C are already eliminated, the ballot ABCDE was BDE, and now, after removing B counts as ⅓ of a vote for D. The ballots BACDE was BDE, and after removing B give 2 × ⅓ votes for D. The ballots CABDE were BDE, and give another 2 × ⅓ votes for D, and the ballots DABCE was DBE and count as two more votes for D, giving D a total of 2 + 5⁄3 = 11⁄3 > 10⁄3, so D is the winner of the second seat.

B and D are elected, despite the fact that A is everyone's first or second choice and 80% of voters prefer A and C both more than D.

Lazy Methods

Lazy Proportional

This method eliminates candidates until only two remain. So first A and then C and D are eliminated; and B and E are elected, despite the fact that E is ranked last by 70% of voters and A is everyone's first or second choice.

Lazy Block

After finishing the runoff for the first seat, eliminate that winner and keep on eliminating without returning those previously eliminated, until another winner is chosen. This method eliminates A, then C, and B is the first winner.

B is now removed and B's votes go to D (since A and C are out), this makes B and D the winners—the same result as proportional ranked choice in this case.

Voting Systems Are Subtle

Elections are essential to a free society, and the voting systems we use have a big impact on the outcomes of our elections. Minor changes to a voting system can have big effects on the final results; so, it is important to try to use a system that is fair and to ensure that the system is implemented correctly.

Appendix: other Utah County voting systems

In the Utah county caucuses in 2016 each precinct chose from one of the following voting systems:

  1. Plurality
  2. Multiple-round runoff
  3. Instant runoff, also called preferential voting.


Under the plurality system, the candidate with the most votes wins, even if they do not have a majority, and even if most voters have a strong preference against the candidate.

The plurality voting system has the advantage of being fast and easy to implement, but it will often elect a candidate that most of the voters dislike. The more candidates that run, the weirder the results of a plurality election are likely to be.

As an example, in 1992 the presidential election was split three ways: between Bill Clinton, George H. W. Bush, and Ross Perot. Clinton won the election with 43% of the vote, Bush had 38%, and Perot had 19%.

Given what we know of Perot supporters, it seems very possible that if the candidate with the fewest votes (Perot) had been eliminated and a runoff election held between Bush and Clinton, Bush could have been the majority winner. So was the plurality system really fair? Did it reflect the will of the people?

Multiple runoff system

The multiple-round runoff system involves eliminating the least popular candidates and having a runoff among the most popular candidates. Sometimes additional runoff votes must be held until only one candidate receives more than 50% of the vote. This system is much less likely to give a result that voters feel is unfair, but it takes a long time to hold and a lot of work to count the ballots.

Instant Runoff Voting (IRV)

Instant Runoff Voting (IRV) has the advantage of giving a result similar to the multiple-runoff system, and it is usually considered more fair than the plurality method. It takes a little more time than the plurailty system but a lot less time than the multiple-runoff system. It only requires one ballot and the main cost is in the additional counting. IRV is used in Australian national elections, and in several US cities and states. Overall this seems like a good compromise---more fair than plurality and easier to implement than multiple runoff.

The main problem with IRV is that many people implement it incorrectly (lazily), and the incorrect implementation can give very surprising (some would say unfair) results. The difference between the different methods may seem minor, but these little differences lead to very different results.

Copyright © 2021. Tyler Jarvis.