The Wasatch Topology Conference


The 20th Annual

Workshop in Geometric Topology

Park City, Utah

June 9-14

Wasatch Topology Conference Monday through Wednesday June 9 - 11, 2003.
Workshop in Geometric Topology Thursday through Saturday June 12 - 14, 2003.

Home Page

Wasatch Topology
Conference Speakers

Geometric Topology Workshop Speakers

Special Event

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Local Information


List of Participants

Abstracts for Wasatch Topology Confernece

Abstracts for Geometric Topology Workshop

Workshop History

Special Event honoring Jim Cannon on the

occasion of his sixtieth birthday

Wednesday June 11, 2003

General Interest Talks
Ric Ancel University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee 2:00 – 2:50
A brief history of geometric topology
Bill Floyd Virginia Polytechnic Institute 3:00 – 3:50
Shapes of tiles
John McCammond UC Santa Barbara 4:00 – 4:50

Finding parking when not commuting

Abstract: Certain mathematical structures make a habit of reoccuring in
the most diverse list of settings. A list of examples might include the
catalan numbers, the quaternions, and the modular group. In this talk, I
will focus on a lesser known example which exhibits this intrusive type of
behavior: the non-crossing partition lattice. The talk will consist of a
gentle introduction to the lattice itself and three of its many guises: as
a way to count the parking functions defined by combinatorialists, as a
key part of the foundations of non-commutative probability, and as a
building block for a contractible space acted on by the braid groups.
Finally, as the talk is aimed primarily at non-specialists, all of the
areas listed above will be introduced as they arise.

Michael Starbird University of Texas, Austin 5:00 – 5:50
Shallow Enticements to Deep Ideas: Bringing Mathematics to the Masses

Banquet Honoring Jim Cannon

The Yarrow Hotel

7:00 PM